A new year, a new goal
The first sunrise of 2023
Check, check…is this thing on?
Writing a blog is kind of weird. You almost feel like you are talking to an empty auditorium. I guess if public speaking isn’t something that you enjoy that could be comforting.
Seeing as I am that person speaking to an empty auditorium, I should tell you who I am. Though you probably have figured that out by now. I suppose I have many titles. Husband. Dad. Financial analyst. Whiskey enjoyer. Runner. Lego maniac. Ultra super duper Star Wars enthusiast. Oh yeah, and photographer. I’m Dave, and on this first day of January, 2023, I’m restarting my blog after nearly a decade away.
It’s something that I used to enjoy doing every day. But then, ya know, life happened. Got married, bought a house, had kids, took some pictures, and now, here it is, a decade later, and I’m back to putting words on a screen that hopefully a few people will read.
I have a lot of different ideas for what I’ll write about. When I last did this back in the 2010’s (my goodness did I really just say that?) I would just talk about a single photo. I’ll still be doing some of that, along with some tutorials, talking about gear, favorite places to shoot, my favorite breweries, Star Wars stuff, who knows. But I’m committed to doing one a week, so if I miss one, make sure to yell at me. And maybe I’ll do more
We’ll keep this one straightforward, with this morning’s photo. I always capture the sunrise on New Year’s Eve, but the one on New Year’s Day can be…tricky. I mean, this is my website, I can be honest right? There are some New Year’s Days where waking up and making it into the city for sunrise were just not an option. I mean, there were some years where I had only been asleep for a few hours when the sun came up. But last night I behaved myself (was only up until 2:30), so I made it into the city in plenty of time for sunrise.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I’m a huge runner. Everyday. Ok, that’s a lie, not everyday. But most days. And this morning I got in a quick 5 miles right when the sun was going to rise, and luckily for me the color didn’t kick in until later. All in all, a solid start to 2023.
And look at me. I went the entire post without saying Happy New Year. Getting this started on the wrong foot. So Happy New Year. I hope that it’s filled with love, kindness, generosity and success.